We took part in the Block Party held on December 10th in the Atherton Garden Reserve on Napier Street, Fitzroy. Hundreds of people attended this free event, hosted by Yarra Youth Services and the Yarra Council. The event provided entertainment aimed for the residents living in the housing commission apartments nearby, along with people living…
Day of People with Disability (Dec 3)
Carparks bring out the best and worst in people. Most carparks thoughtfully leave special parking spaces for people who are disabled. Most people respect them. But others without a disability often squat in the reserved places. And people who can walk only short distances, but have no outward signs of disability, are sometimes abused when…
A new breed of young innovative recording artists will feature on the latest CD to be released by the Artful Dodgers Studio called ”REVERBERATE.” To be released at 5 pm on the November 19 at the prestigious Victorian Arts Centre, the new disc features emerging young artists like Sudanese girl rapper Ronika, acoustic trio Eric’s…
Jesuit Social Services Artful Dodgers studio staff and participants recently teamed up with loyal and longtime supportive community group the Gertrude Players, for a night of live music, laughs, dancing and trivial pursuit. ”Trivia & Tunes 90s Rock” was held at the Collingwood Town Hall and attracted more than 300 patrons and…
Suicide is usually a very solitary act. But its solitariness doubles its effect on other people. Family members and friends are devastated that the person they loved has so definitively broken off their relationship. The breaking of this relationship, too, can affect the way in which they relate to one another. They can retreat into…
Artful Dodgers Studios, a program of Jesuit Social Services, is raising funds to support the production and release of ‘Reverberate’, a compilation CD of songs by young musicians from the music program. The Artful Dodgers Studio works with marginalised young people who may be experiencing difficult circumstances. ‘Reverberate’ will aim to provide the young participants…
Jesuit Social Services recently welcomed visiting Jesuit communications delegates from across the Asia-Pacific region. The delegates visited Melbourne for an annual three-day meeting. During the delegates’ visit, we were proud to introduce them to our work. The group met with our communications and policy teams to learn about our advocacy and communications work, and…
Jesuit Social Services staff and participants were out in force recently on the opening day of one of Australia’s biggest community events The Brunswick Music Festival. The recent festival opening day party held along Sydney Road Brunswick, had thousands of people flocking along to witness a smorgasbord of musical talent, taste multicultural food, check out…
The ALEX zine project was officially launched on Monday 2nd February to an enthusiastic and supportive crowd. The project aimed to showcase the creative work happening in the LGBTQI and/or SSASGD communities and the launch was a great affirmation for all the young people involved. It truly was an evening of immense talent and joy.…