Your bequest to us

After providing for your family and friends, you may wish to leave a gift to us in your Will.

Making your Will may be one of the most important things you will do during your lifetime – it is an opportunity to safeguard the future of those you care about – your family, friends, communities and organisations like ours that reach out to marginalised people.

Your bequest will help us fulfil our vision of building a just society, where everyone has the opportunity to flourish, reach their full potential and make a meaningful contribution to the community they live in.

Your bequest to us is a generous way to:

  • leave a mark and create new opportunities for future generations
  • ensure safer and more supportive communities
  • help us keep advocating for social change and responding to the unmet needs of young people, families and communities.

How your bequest helps

Your bequest is a commitment to a just society for generations to come.

We use your bequest to:

  • start programs where we see a need
  • expand our work into new areas
  • improve access to our current services
  • advocate courageously for a more just society
  • build our capacity to continue our work.

Types of bequests

In giving to us in your Will, you can choose to bequest:

  • the whole of your estate
  • the residue of your estate
  • a percentage of your estate
  • a specific amount of money
  • a house or property
  • various other arrangements that your lawyer could advise on.

A solicitor, trustee company or the Public Trustee will be able to help you with the various wordings and documentation required in the preparation of your will.

How to make a bequest

Should you wish to make a legal bequest in favour of our ongoing work, it’s important to word your bequest appropriately.

We suggest the following words as appropriate to include in your Will:

I give free of all taxes to Jesuit Social Services Limited (ABN 72 005 269 554)

Please nominate one of the following:

a)   the sum of $_________ (nominate the sum you intend to give)

b)   _______% percentage of my estate

c)     _______% of the residue of my estate

d)    the residue of my estate

to Jesuit Social Services Limited to be applied for general purposes.

I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer of Jesuit Social Services will be full and sufficient discharge for my executor without any need to inquire further as to the actual application of monies.

You may give this wording to your solicitor, or discuss it with your legal advisor.

Jesuit Social Services 2025 Annual Dinner

Join us to celebrate the work of Jesuit Social Services and our shared vision of building a just society. Tickets selling fast.