Podcast provides suicide bereavement support
A new podcast, co-produced by our Support After Suicide program, Joy 94.9 and Switchboard Victoria, provides support, conversation and comfort to people affected by suicide. Let’s Talk about Suicide, a 13-episode podcast launched in October, has a particular emphasis on suicide bereavement in the LGBTIQA+ communities. Research shows that young LGBTI people aged 16 to…
Funding boost for Artful Dodgers Studios and Connexions
We were thrilled to secure Victorian Government funding for our Artful Dodgers Studios and Connexions programs recently. Artful Dodgers Studios participant Casper has been involved with the program for almost five years. The two programs worked with close to 500 young people across 2017–18. Artful Dodgers Studios is a flexible and welcoming space where at-risk…
“I’m not using drugs anymore, which is a miracle”
When Chris’* drug use spiralled out of control, he knew it was time to make some serious changes in his life. The Outdoor Experience uses bush therapy to support young people. “I was sick of it. I threw my drugs out of the car and I sat there for ages wishing I could get out…
New play tells the story of suicide bereavement
Jesuit Social Services’ Support After Suicide program together with Anvil Productions were proud to produce contemporary new drama 2:20AM, which premiered in Melbourne in September. 2:20AM portrayed stories of suicide bereavement. The play revolved around four people bereaved by suicide, who met at a creative writing class. Playwright Rebecca Lister interviewed a number of program…
Connexions built on trusting relationships
For young people dealing with mental illness and alcohol and drug problems, finding the right supports can be problematic, particularly if they are expected to travel large distances to access help. Connexions worker Jenny says patience is key when working with young people. Jesuit Social Services’ Connexions program lowers these barriers, offering an outreach model…
The expression of grief after suicide
After his daughter Cassie suicided in 2012, aged 16, Greg felt like life would never be predictable again. Greg has found creative writing to be helpful following the death of his daughter. He found an outlet for his grief in Jesuit Social Services’ Support After Suicide program. Support After Suicide has provided specialised support including…
New play explores experiences of Support After Suicide participants
The experiences of more than 50 people directly impacted by the suicide of a loved one are explored in a new Australian play produced by Anvil Productions and supported by Jesuit Social Services and program Support After Suicide. 2:20AM, which premieres in Melbourne on August 29, is written by award-winning playwright Rebecca Lister who has…
Cyclists representing Support After Suicide in the Murray to Moyne In early April, staff and friends of Jesuit Social Services took part in the Murray to Moyne, an annual cycling fundraiser that covers over 500 kilometres from Swan Hill to Port Fairy. Twenty-four riders, including staff members and program participants, took part in the event…
Murray to Moyne training with Phil Andersen
The Jesuit Social Services Murray to Moyne Support After Suicide Team 1491 recently were fortunate to have a training session with Australian cycling legend Phil Andersen. We were very appreciative of Phil’s tips for riding into the wind. Cycling fans out there will know that Phil was the first non-European and the first Australian to…
Serious Fun celebrates a decade of support
Staff, volunteers and current and former participants of Serious Fun with CEO Julie Edwards at the program’s 10th birthday celebration Ten years ago, Jesuit Social Services’ Support After Suicide program established Serious Fun to support children impacted by the suicide of a loved one. “Serious Fun allows children to meet and be with other children…