Submission to Child Safety Annual Reporting Framework
In our submission, Jesuit Social Services supports the proposed framework, and recognises its potential to guide organisations in developing child-safe practices and fostering cultures of child safety and wellbeing across their workforces and communities.
Federal Pre-budget Submission 2025-26
This submission, provided in advance of the 2025- 26 Federal Budget, highlights opportunities for Government to target spending and policy-making, prioritising research, strategies and programs that support children, young people and their families to live safe and healthy lives.
Submission to the Consultation on Foundational Supports
We welcome the introduction of Foundational Supports, and believe well-designed additional supports for people with disability, including information, advice and capacity building, can improve the accessibility and inclusivity of all services for a person with disability, regardless of the existence of an NDIS plan.
Submission to the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission
Our submission explores priorities in understanding the drivers of men and boys’ perpetration of violence against women and girls, key intervention points for engaging with men and boys and what we believe is required to work more cohesively across jurisdictions.
Submission to the Inquiry into the Migration Amendment Bill 2024
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Inquiry into the Migration Amendment Bill 2024. We are gravely concerned that passing this Bill could have a serious and irreversible impact on the wellbeing and safety of refugees and people seeking asylum. We outline our key concerns in this submission.
Response to the National Suicide Prevention Strategy
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft advice on the National Suicide Prevention Strategy. Our response welcomes a broad approach to suicide prevention that accounts for diverse health needs, addresses socio-economic factors and recognises the disproportionate ways that suicide and suicide distress impacts different population groups.
Submission to the Inquiry into Australia’s youth justice and incarceration system
Jesuit Social Services supports the National Children’s Commissioner’s call for a concerted national approach to child justice reform, including a Cabinet Minister for Children and a National Taskforce to coordinate the various parts of reform.
Submission to South Australia’s Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to contribute to South Australia’s Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence. The prevalence of these distinct but overlapping forms of violence is a serious, nation-wide issue, and we affirm the need for more to be done to prevent and address this crisis, which is primarily a crisis…
Submission to the Inquiry into the Truth and Justice Commission Bill 2024
Jesuit Social Services supports the introduction of the Truth and Justice Commission Bill 2024, and recommends that the Federal Government pass it. We strongly affirm the Government’s commitments to implement the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full and to establish a Makarrata Commission as a priority.