Submission to the Supply and Use of Methamphetamines in Victoria Inquiry
This submission responds to the 2013 Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the supply and use of methamphetamines, particularly ‘ice’, in Victoria. Methamphetamines use impacts on the judgement, mental health, health, and relationships of many of the people we work with. Our submission outlines some concrete steps for action that can be taken within the existing harm minimisation framework of…
Submission to the 'Child Safe Institutions' issues paper
This submission endorses the Truth, Justice and Healing Council‘s response to Issues Paper 3: Child Safe Institutions. The issues paper is published by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Our submission fully endorses the nine essential elements of child safe organisations posited by the Council: a protective child centred organisational culture; ‘child aware’ leadership; continuous risk…
Submission to the Victoria Police Field Contact Policy and Cross Cultural Training consultation
This submission responds to the Victoria Police’s 2013 Field Contact Policy and Cross Cultural Training community consultation. The consultation sought to generate discussion and feedback to Victoria Police in order to improve members’ engagement with and understanding of Victoria’s diverse communities. Our submission focuses on how Victoria Police can best work with the community by addressing several needs: The…
Response to the Stronger Futures Aboriginal Workforce Development Strategy
This joint letter by Jesuit Social Services and the Atyenhenge-atherre Aboriginal Corporation responds to the draft Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Aboriginal Workforce Development Strategy. Our letter proposes six ways to strengthen the Aboriginal workforce in Stronger Futures: Set benchmarks and realistically budget for travel allowances and resources for remote workers within the operational models for services. Explore the potential…
Submission to the Northern Territory Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Bill 2013
This submission responds to the Northern Territory Department of Health’s Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Bill 2013. It outlines our serious concerns about this proposed legislation and the scheme that it will create. The submission questions the scheme’s enormous and unjustified economic cost, given the lack of evidence for the effectiveness of mandatory treatment. It recommends that the Northern Territory Government: Postpone…
This submission responds to the 2013 Victorian Government discussion paper, Towards A More Effective and Sustainable Community Services System. The discussion paper is part of the Victorian Government Service Sector Reform Project. Our submission is framed by two contextual considerations: The extent to which poverty and disadvantage in society are the consequence of structural factors that lie beyond the…
Submission to the 'Melbourne, Let's Talk About the Future' discussion paper
This submission responds to Plan Melbourne’s 2012 discussion paper, which was released to prompt debate around the challenges and ideas for Melbourne’s future. Our submission draws on our understanding that cities exist for people, and not people for cities. It argues that Melbourne in 2050 must be a city that provides for the basic needs of all of its people. The…
Submission to the NSW Inquiry into Strategies to Reduce Alcohol Abuse Among Young People
This submission responds to the 2013 Parliamentary Inquiry into strategies to reduce alcohol abuse among young people in New South Wales. The submission’s key themes include: changing community attitudes and behaviours to alcohol; proactive engagement with young people in environments where alcohol consumption and its related harm are likely to take place; and treatment services that care for…
Submission to the 'Employment Services: Building on Success' issues paper
This submission responds to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations’ 2013 issues paper, Employment Services: Building on Success. The issues paper sought comments on several key themes, including meeting the needs of job seekers, and working in partnership with employers and other services. Our submission identifies three areas for employment services reform: Effective support between services to…
Submission to the Value of a Justice Reinvestment Approach to Criminal Justice in Australia Inquiry
This submission responds to the 2013 Senate Inquiry into the value of a justice reinvestment approach to criminal justice in Australia. The submission advises that the starting place for a justice reinvestment framework should be the right to respect, dignity and compassion for all human beings. Integral to this is cultural respect, foremost for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The…