Despite a massive structural change and a second COVID lockdown, Jesuit Social Services’ Just Voices program has continued its long-time fruitful relationship with Catholic Boys College (CBC) in Windsor. This year the College merged with the former Presentation Convent for Girls College and St. Marys Primary School to become the newly established St. Mary’s College.…
The power of connection at the Hub
The Willmot Community Hub draws on a place-based approach to address and remove barriers to inclusion for community members. Activities such as ‘Tuesday Breakfasts’ and the gardening group give local community members, families and children a way to participate in their community in a supportive environment. It also helps foster meaningful connections between residents, countering…
Staff Profile – John Andrew, Principal – Ignatius Learning Centre
John Andrew is Principal of our new Ignatius Learning Centre When John Andrew left his job teaching in a mainstream secondary school to join the team at Parkville College – which provides education to young people incarcerated in Victoria’s youth justice system – some of his colleagues “thought I was crazy to go and teach…
Pilot program preventing homelessness after prison
The Maribyrnong Community Residential Facility supports men who are exiting prison to find stable housing and employment prior to reentering the community One of the key challenges experienced by people exiting the prison system is a lack of safe and secure housing. Nearly half of people who exit prison in Victoria do so into homelessness,…
Helping marginalised young jobseekers get back on track
Rocky uses his experience of the justice system to help him support young people stay on track and engaged in employment As a young man, Rocky Dawson had contact with the prison system. Through his role as a Wellbeing Support Officer as part of Jesuit Social Services’ employment programs, he is now using his lived…
Members of the YJCSS After Hours team Young people who have had contact with the justice system and are now trying to get their lives back on track need support at the time they need it – not just between 9am and 5pm. Jesuit Social Services’ Youth Justice Community Support Service (YJCSS) After Hours program…
The importance of relationships at Dillon House
Giovanna Nicolia, Next Steps Program Coordinator Next Steps is a flexible, responsive early intervention program which aims to address both homelessness and the criminal offending of young people. The program works intensively, both in a residential setting and in an outreach case management capacity, to provide access to secure, sustainable housing and simultaneously reduce a…
Studios artists Aaron B and Olivia Meg at the Yaluk-ut Weelam Ngargee Festival With the slow rollback of COVID restrictions live crowds are out and about once again enjoying Victoria’s legendary live music scene. Amongst the performers who have turned out recently for their first live shows in over a year were three young indigenous…
Staff Profile – Susie Moloney, Executive Director – Centre for Just Places
Susie Maloney is the Executive Director of our new Centre for Just Places Susie Moloney recently joined Jesuit Social Services as the Executive Director of our new Centre for Just Places. The Centre will provide leadership in national research, advocacy and capacity-building in addressing inequality and social injustice through place-based approaches. Prior to joining Jesuit…
As we embarked on our journey with The Men’s Project, we were keen to understand more about the drivers of violent and anti-social behaviour and to contribute a significant piece of research to the field. Our first research project was The Man Box – a study of 1,000 young men (aged 18–30 years) about the…