Artful Dodgers Studio concert raises $6000 to engage young people with art and music
For 27 years, Collingwood’s Artful Dodgers Studios has provided a space for young people living in difficult circumstances to unlock their creative potential and build new skills. The Studios depends on community support, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic – and in September hosted a lockdown-adapted online benefit concert to raise much-needed funds to support its…
Fresh food relief over six lockdowns
Our Ecological Justice Hub in Brunswick is centred around an established permaculture garden and workshop that are usually home to hands-on courses like carpentry, habitat design, composting and more. For the past 18 months, however, through six lockdowns, the team at the Hub has been providing fresh food relief every week to vulnerable members of…
Birty’s journey as a participant in the Victoria Police Diversity Recruitment Program through to joining Victoria Police in early 2021 is one typified by hard work and perseverance. “At times it was really challenging and it was so important to have my classmates and teachers to motivate me and each other. When I got accepted…
As we have previously reported, Jesuit Social Services will release a new Dropping off the Edge report in the second half of 2021. This continues our research into locational disadvantage conducted over more than 20 years, including previous Dropping off the Edge reports in 2007 and 2015. This edition of the Jesuit Social Services newsletter…
Bernie helping students get their lives back on track
After almost two decades teaching at Melbourne’s Xavier College, Bernie Brysha decided it was time for a change. So last year, he joined the teaching staff at our Ignatius Learning Centre, a therapeutic school environment for young people in contact with the youth justice system. “I have always had an interest in teaching students who…
Vaccination centre helping Western Sydney navigate COVID-19
Western Sydney, where Jesuit Social Services has provided a range of programs and services since 2008, is one of the critical locations at the centre of New South Wales’ COVID-19 outbreak. Our research into locational disadvantage, conducted over more than 20 years, demonstrates that locations in Western Sydney, including Mount Druitt, are among the most…
Hands-on training helps students find their way forward
See how tailored training specific to students' needs and skills made our Cafe Operations course "the opposite of school".
Jesuit Community College celebrates 10 years
Jesuit Social Services has long believed that education and employment are key to enable someone to meaningfully participate in society. Having worked for many years with people who face significant barriers to mainstream education and employment pathways, we founded Jesuit Community College in 2011. Our goal was to help people, and by extension their…
Musician Endalkachew “Tupac” Yenehun, from Addis Ababa, Ehtiopia is the latest recruit to the Just Voices Speakers Program. A multi-instrumentalist he is best known for playing the ‘Masinko’, a single-stringed Ethiopian lute. The highly skilled musician and comedian first made his name in his homeland performing at weddings, family functions and night clubs. As his…
When young guitarist Elijah Augustine first came into Artful Dodgers Studios, you would be lucky to get a word out of him. Thanks to weekly songwriting sessions, ongoing performances at the Studios Megaphone events and engagement with other Studios participants, Elijah has found his voice. “I didn’t say much when I first started at The…