This submission responds to the 2014 National Children’s Commissioner Inquiry into Intentional Self-Harm and Suicidal Behaviour in Children.

In it, Jesuit Social Services calls for a whole-of-community approach to tackling the risk factors for self-harm and suicide.

The submission urges Governments to:

  1. Effectively plan for and adequately resource a full spectrum of evidence based services that promote the mental health and wellbeing of Australian children. This should include specialised community based support for children with complex needs
  2. Provide ongoing investment in building the skills and capacity of community services and mental health workforce, including competency to work with children and young people
  3. Invest in targeted, culturally safe suicide prevention activities in Aboriginal communities.
  4. Ensure that postvention services for children form part of the mental health service system, with all Australians bereaved by suicide having the opportunity to access these services.
  5. Ensure that vulnerable Australian children have access to meaningful community activity including community cultural development programs.
  6. Ensure that outdoor activity and similar programs play a role in promoting the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable Australian children.

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Submission to the Intentional Self-Harm and Suicidal Behaviour in Children - National Children's Commissoner Inquiry

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