Our policy response calls for a coordinated strategy to address the employment needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, based on six key planks:

  1. Intervene early, and intensively, to prevent long-term unemployment and disadvantage
  2. Build the skills and capabilities of vulnerable people (including job-readiness training, for jobseekers with limited previous work experience, such as young people, long-term unemployed, people in the justice system, refugees and migrants)
  3. Link education and training to demand, including a focus on positions that offer the real prospect of ongoing employment
  4. Foster business and community partnerships, and support existing partnerships to deliver pathways to employment, including ongoing post-placement support
  5. Trial a whole-of-community approach to harness community-wide efforts to address unemployment in areas of socioeconomic disadvantage
  6. Evaluate and measure the long-term outcomes of employment-related programs to better understand the most effective models for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups

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