Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Human Rights Commission National Consultation Paper, Shaping our future: discussions on disability rights.

Our submission draws on our experience engaging with vulnerable people and communities throughout Australia. It focuses on the intersections of disability with complex needs, disadvantage and involvement in the justice system, and gives examples of what’s currently being done well that could be strengthened. It notes that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, people with multiple and complex needs, women, children and young people are particularly vulnerable cohorts.

Our recommendations specify what needs to change, and what the Disability Discrimination Commissioner can do, in five critical areas: education, employment, housing, criminal justice and NDIS implementation. By reading our submission, you’ll come away with a clear picture of how to best meet the diverse needs of people with a disability, cognitive impairment and complex needs.

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Cover of submission disability, disadvantage and complex needs

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