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“I didn’t think it was for me – I know how to read and write and I’m not shy about job interviews – but it turned out to be a lot more than that. I’m surprised at how much I’m learning,” Natasha says.

The course is designed to enhance participants’ professional and personal skills, improve language, literacy, and numeracy, develop their time management, problem solving and workplace communication skills, and help participants gain greater confidence, self-awareness and motivation to look for work.

“I’m not great at numeracy. The course is a refresher and is bringing back to mind a lot of things I’d forgotten about.”

The course has also been an opportunity for Natasha to try something different and connect with new people.

“I was getting to the stage where I was tired of being at home all the time, getting stuck in a rut. The program is relaxed and great socially.

“I highly, highly recommend the trainer for this course. You can tell she has a teaching background. The classes are really fun and tailored to each person, and she always treats you like an equal. I’ve recommended the course to friends.”

Natasha is continuing to look for work. She’s also considering upskilling with further training. She says the course has helped her feel better prepared for the difficult questions that crop up in job interviews, and equipped her with skills that will be of great help to her if she chooses to pursue further training or study.

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