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We believe more needs to be done to promote positive change towards more gender equality and around what it means to be a man today – and we want to support boys and men to be their best selves and live happy, healthy, safe and respectful lives.

About the program

Modelling Respect and Equality (MoRE) is an innovative program for adults who are in roles that present opportunities to positively influence boys and men, including teachers, social workers, sports coaches and leaders in faith communities.

The program is offered by The Men’s Project and aims to build people’s skills and knowledge to help them create change in their community around issues of respect and equality, particularly among boys and men.

The program runs for six months. It involves participation in an intensive two-day training workshop followed by ongoing support as participants contribute to positive social change in their community, at work, in sports club, and among friends and family.

If you want to build your knowledge and skills and make a positive difference in your community, then this program is for you.


What is this about?

Research shows that gender inequality, and narrow, rigid gender stereotypes are bad for all of us, keeping women and men from living healthy, safe and fulfilling lives. Too often, they contribute to violence and other harmful behaviours.

More than ever, the behaviours and attitudes of Australian boys and men are called into question: driven by the #MeToo movement, unprecedented attention to family violence, and inquiries into child sexual abuse in institutions and sexual assault and harassment on university campuses.

The question is how we get boys and men to play their part in building safe, respectful and equal communities. A positive approach is needed.

We believe that role models – both male and female – in the places where boys and men live, work, and meet are crucial. We want to support role models who interact with boys and men on a regular basis so they can challenge limiting and harmful stereotypes and promote respect and equality.

It’s time we talked about the culture of masculinity we want to cultivate as a society. Join us in creating social change around what it means to be a man in the 21st century!


A unique model for change

MoRE is an empowering, experiential journey to become an active influencer for change in your community.

The starting point is each person’s personal journey and development – their awareness of the bigger picture, and understanding of how social change unfolds.

Participants will be supported to build deeper understanding of key issues, develop greater self-awareness, learn how to model and promote positive change, recognise and challenge problematic attitudes and behaviours, and actively influence and make an impact in their community.

MoRE will help you:

  1. With a process that engages head, heart and hands
  2. Understand the powerful impact of vulnerability and emotional intelligence
  3. Unpack gender roles, norms and practices
  4. Understand and challenge harmful expressions of masculinity
  5. Learn how to recognise and respond to various forms of violence
  6. Learn and practice how to deal with resistance and tricky conversations
  7. Learn how to use your and others’ strengths to build your community
  8. Explore opportunities for dialogue and activities to engage boys and men


Who runs this?

For 45 years, Jesuit Social Services has worked with people on the margins of society, working to build a just society where all people can live to their full potential.

Drawing from this experience, The Men’s Project has been established to provide leadership on the reduction of violence and other harmful behaviours prevalent among boys and men, and build new approaches to improve their wellbeing and keep families and communities safe.

The Men’s Project supports boys and men to live respectful, accountable and fulfilling lives, where they are able to develop good relationships free from violence and where they play their role in making the community safe. In short, The Men’s Project supports boys and men to be their best selves.

Impact so far

Our evaluation data to date shows that there was an increase in MoRE participants’:

  • understanding of the harmful effects of rigid gender stereotypes
  • ability to promote positive and flexible ideals of masculinity and facilitate meaningful discussion on these issues with the people around them
  • confidence to handle tricky questions relating to gender equality and gendered violence
  • knowledge of how to model vulnerability
  • knowledge of how to grow emotional intelligence
  • knowledge of the drivers of family violence and all forms of violence against women.

What participants have said

“Brilliant – I feel exhausted but so full from this. Thank you so much for providing this opportunity.”

“Thanks for ensuring the training was not only a two-day session but a path for continual learning.”

“Thanks and well done on creating a movement – community and one that not only engages our internal commitment to equality and respect for all humans.”

“Thank you immensely for the privilege of being part of MoRE. It leaves its mark on me – indelibly. It shapes how I train educators in Respectful Relationships because I have experienced personal growth and new awareness of and optimism around what may be possible through the MoRE experience!”

“The facilitators and program leaders were amazing in terms of their knowledge, experience and wisdom in guiding the group. The COP worked well to continue to build a learning community. The focus of this training on building capacity through individual reflection and community (vs a short PD) is unique and is incredibly powerful in terms of changing practice and effecting change back in our circles of influence”.

“Being involved in the program gave me a chance to reflect on where our very big picture work to prevent violence against women can best include the focus on engaging people in promoting positive cultures of masculinity. Even within this, it is such a big area of work, the program gave me a chance to connect with a range of people and their different but connected ways of doing this. The MoRE program provided the information I needed, including tools and training resources to help guide that work now and in the future. In particular it helped me think about what it would look like to encouraging other community leaders to do positive masculinities work in a way that is safe and respectful to the diverse communities we work with.  From doing the program I now notice things I hadn’t noticed before including my own and others language, media representations and I am now more critical about what I encourage men and boys to do, to aspire to and to become better at. There is so much great work now being done in this space, I love being able to keep dipping back into it, and again reflecting on what it means at different times”.

“Great facilitators! Loved the range of activities – interactive & giving us practical things to come away with. Although heavy topics, you navigated this well & still came away helpful. Thank you!”

“Thank you for collaborating this content, people and program together. Great facilitators, great organisation, great activities & ideas. Definitely useful & life changing.”

“The trainers were fantastic. Very informative, engaging & encouraging – I would totally recommend them to others”.

“You were all lovely, knowledgeable and inclusive. You managed to correct some of my misconceptions in a super friendly way”.

Find out more about MoRE

Please call The Men’s Project on 03 9421 7600 or email themensproject@jss.org.au to enquire about MoRE.

Download our brochure for more details

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