The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline Jesuit Community College’s approach to managing refunds of student tuition fees.
1. Refund information
Prospective students, current students or third party payers of student tuition fees are advised that they may apply for a refund in certain circumstances. Any refunds will be charged a $50 administration charge.
If fees were partially or fully waived due to hardship, there is no administration charge payable nor is a refund applicable.
Refunds can only be paid to the payer of the invoice eg: the student or third party.
2. Refunds
Students who withdraw from a course and wish to seek a refund must apply to Jesuit Community College in writing, outlining the details and reason for their request.
Third party invoice payers who wish to seek a refund for a withdrawing student must apply to Jesuit Community College in writing, outlining the student details, receipt number and the reason for their request.
Refunds will not be considered without a written request.
3. Eligibility for refund
Eligibility for a refund will be assessed based on the services provided to the student and the costs incurred by Jesuit Community College in order to provide those services.
The outcome of the refund assessment will be provided in writing to the applicant registered address or email outlining the decision and reasons for the decision along with any applicable refund or adjustment notice.
Refunds or refusal of refunds can be appealed through the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure
If a course is cancelled by Jesuit Community College, students who have enrolled and paid fees will be issued a full refund. The student will be notified in writing and a record to be placed in the individual student’s file
- If a course is cancelled by Jesuit Community College, students who have enrolled and fees have been paid by a third party, then the third party will be issued a full refund. The refund applicant will be notified and a record to be placed in the individual student’s file (hard-copy or electronic)
- Students who withdraw from their course and seek a refund for fees paid* are to make a request for a refund in writing to the Training and Administration Manager
- Where student fees have been paid by a 3rd party then the 3rd party must apply for the refund. All refunds will be communicated and paid (where appropriate) to the 3rd party.
To make an assessment of a refund due, consideration must be given to the services the student has received as listed below:
- Resources provided
- Training received – number of classes attended
- Individual support provided by the trainer/assessor
- Assessments marked. Generally, refunds will only be paid for unit/s where training has not commenced.
- Consider the costs incurred by Jesuit Community College as per above, plus any fees paid by the student in order to calculate a suitable refund. Refund assessments are to be approved by the Training and Administration Manager
- Refund applicant (Student or third party) is to be notified in writing of the outcome of the refund assessment
- Keep a copy of the refund assessment on the student’s file.
Responsibility: Training and Administration Manager