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People who come into contact with the social, health and justice services have important knowledge about the system’s ability to meet their needs. Embedding the voices of lived experience in service design, integration and delivery can improve outcomes for people accessing these services.

Client voice and workforce project (2021-2023)

Funded by Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victorian Government

This project

This pilot project aims to increase the participation of community members with lived experience in shaping social, health and justice system service design, delivery and integration in their local area, and contribute to the Better Connected Care policy reform to build a service system that better meets the needs of clients.

The project will implement a systemic inquiry process to increase understanding of current system conditions that impact on lived experience participation. This will enable local leadership teams to develop shared objectives and agreement on the approach to including lived experience voice for better and more connected care across departments and agencies.

The impact

The Centre will build the capacity of service delivery agencies and staff to include the voice of lived experience in everyday practice for systemic change. We expect to work with four leadership teams – called Better Connected Care Local Site Executive Committees – over the next two years, starting in the West-Metro region on Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung country, and in the Goulburn region on Yorta Yorta, Taungurung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung country. The project will increase understanding of what is needed to centre lived experience voices in place-based collaboration as a sustainable process, and provide recommendations for policy reform.

For more information

Contact Director of the Centre for Just Places, John Ryks, at to discuss this project.

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