Investigation into the rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners in Victoria
Jesuit Social Services contributed this submission to the Victorian Ombudsman’s Investigation into the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Prisoners. This submission outlines some steps to be taken to confront the dual challenges of overcrowding in our prison system and transitioning people from prison back into community, as well as to strengthen the Victorian justice system’s approach…
Taking action to support people with mental illness and other complex needs
This position paper is one of four produced by Jesuit Social Services as part of our 2014 Victorian State Government Election Platform. In it, we call for the next Victorian Government to ensure that people with mental illness have the support they need so that they can fully participate in our community. Our recommendations consider the particular challenges…
Youth Justice: Strengthening our approach
This paper identifies eight initiatives to improve the Victorian youth justice system, with a focus on opportunities to intervene and divert vulnerable children and young people from the justice system. The paper calls on the next Victorian Government to: Raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 years old to 12 years old and put in place approaches to…
A criminal justice system that builds a safer community
This position paper is one of four produced by Jesuit Social Services as part of our 2014 Victorian State Government Election Platform. In it, we call for a more effective and humane approach to criminal justice that focuses on: preventing crime by addressing its root causes diverting people from the justice system providing safe and…
Strengthening Prisoner Transition to Create a Safer Victoria
This paper considers the reforms and investment needed to achieve a reduction to reoffending in Victoria. Our analysis is drawn from our long experience working with prisoners and ex-prisoners and is reinforced with evidence from the emerging international research on ‘desistance’ – the factors that contribute to people stopping offending. The paper describes the complexity of transitioning from prison to the community, and highlights the needs…
Submission to the 2014-15 Victorian State Budget
This submission responds to the 2014-15 Victorian State Budget. It provides solutions that can stem the growing cost – and increasing harm to people – caused by imprisonment. Our submission proposes practical programmatic reforms to support people to build pathways to productive lives, reduce crime and strengthen our communities. It calls on the Victorian Government to invest in three priority areas: ensuring…
Submission to the Victoria Police Field Contact Policy and Cross Cultural Training consultation
This submission responds to the Victoria Police’s 2013 Field Contact Policy and Cross Cultural Training community consultation. The consultation sought to generate discussion and feedback to Victoria Police in order to improve members’ engagement with and understanding of Victoria’s diverse communities. Our submission focuses on how Victoria Police can best work with the community by addressing several needs: The…
Submission to the Value of a Justice Reinvestment Approach to Criminal Justice in Australia Inquiry
This submission responds to the 2013 Senate Inquiry into the value of a justice reinvestment approach to criminal justice in Australia. The submission advises that the starting place for a justice reinvestment framework should be the right to respect, dignity and compassion for all human beings. Integral to this is cultural respect, foremost for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The…