Victorian 2022-23 Pre-Budget Submission
Many people in Victoria continue to experience persistent disadvantage that manifests in disengagement from school, joblessness, homelessness, substance misuse, family violence, contact with the justice system, mental ill-health, and trauma. These are complex challenges, especially because they intersect, interact, and are often intergenerational. The Victorian Government is to be commended for implementing several important initiatives…
Federal Election 2022 platform – A blueprint for a just recovery
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many pre-existing social and economic issues in Australia to the fore, from housing stress, to poverty, family violence, and insecure employment. As an organisation working with some of the most disadvantaged members of the community, we have witnessed firsthand the disproportionate impact of this crisis on already marginalised people and…
Dropping off the Edge – VicHealth report
Dropping off the Edge 2021 was released in November 2021 and provides a comprehensive analysis of persistent and entrenched disadvantage across Australia, including a state-by-state analysis using 37 indicators as well as supporting qualitative research. This report, commissioned by VicHealth, presents Victoria-specific findings from Dropping off the Edge 2021 and has an added focus on…
Submission to the Review of the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement
Jesuit Social Services works with many people – especially those with mental health and substance misuse issues, newly-arrived refugees and migrants, those exiting prison, and those leaving out-of-home care – who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness, inappropriate or unsafe housing, housing instability and stress, and other forms of disadvantage in their lives. In our…
Feedback on the Draft National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children
Jesuit Social Services strongly believes that addressing family violence requires tackling its root causes by supporting men and boys to live respectful, accountable, and fulfilling lives, and addressing the social conditions that contribute to violence. We recently gave feedback on the federal government’s Draft National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032 (the…
Submission to the Inquiry into the Protections within the Victorian Planning Framework
Jesuit Social Services recently contributed a submission to the Inquiry into the Protections within the Victorian Planning Framework. Our submission is based on our decades of experience working with people who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness, housing instability and housing stress, inappropriate or unsafe housing, as well as other forms of disadvantage. Through our…
Submission to the Federal Pre-Budget 2022-23 consultation
The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified many of the pre-existing challenges experienced by people on the margins of society. These challenges include homelessness and housing stress, family violence, insecure employment, and poverty. The climate crisis continues alongside the pandemic, with 2021 recorded as one of the hottest years on record. Like COVID-19, climate change is disproportionately…
Prisons, climate and a just transition
Australia, like many other countries, is seeing the damaging impact of climate change on communities and ecosystems. In the face of these worsening climate change impacts, marginalised people and communities are most at risk, including people in prison. In December 2019, when bushfires burned close to Lithgow Correctional Centre in New South Wales, people detained…
Submission to the Cultural Review of the Adult Custodial Corrections System
Jesuit Social Services was pleased to contribute a response to the Cultural Review of the Adult Custodial Corrections System. The Victorian Government commissioned this independent review to ensure that Victoria’s adult custodial facilities promote rehabilitation and are safe environments for both people in prison and staff. The primary goal of any effective and humane criminal…
Submission to Victoria's Gender Equality Strategy 2022
Jesuit Social Services recently contributed a submission to Victoria’s Gender Equality Strategy 2022. The Strategy builds on the 2016 Gender Equality Strategy, which provided an important foundation to break the cycle of family violence. Our feedback to the Strategy is based on our experience of working with men and boys for over 40 years, many…