Recognition respect and support: Enabling justice for people with acquired brain injuries
In 2011, Corrections Victoria reported that 42 per cent of men and 33 per cent of women, in a sample of the Victorian prison population, had been diagnosed with acquired brain injury (ABI); this compares with just two per cent across the general population. The extraordinary overrepresentation of people with ABI in Victorian prisons reflects…
#JusticeSolutions: Expanding the conversation
Youth justice is at a crossroads in Australia. In every state and territory across the nation, governments are grappling with youth justice issues as they seek to reduce crime, improve community safety and respond to public concern that is being fanned by sensationalised media coverage. In order to inform the discussions around youth justice in…
Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s OPCAT in Australia Consultation Paper
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Human Rights Commission’s OPCAT in Australia Consultation Paper. We support the Australian Government’s commitment to ratify OPCAT* and believe it provides: a valuable opportunity to strengthen oversight measures in detention facilities a clear opportunity to drive more holistic and therapeutic practices within prisons, and…
Submission to the Inquiry on the Implications of climate change for Australia’s national security
Jesuit Social Services recognises the evidence of the risks that climate changes pose for national and human security and the imperative to take immediate action to mitigate these risks. As an organisation, we have for several years sought to bring an ecological perspective to all our operations, recognising that environmental challenges pose significant risk to…
Submission to the inquiry on the Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to put forward our views to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee inquiry on the Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017. In our submission we call for a number of amendments to the bill to ensure that citizenship remains…
Our views on the NT Alcohol Policies and Legislation Review
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to put our views forward on the Northern Territory Alcohol Policies and Legislation Review, which considers reforming the current system to reduce alcohol-related harm in the Northern Territory. The Northern Territory has the highest rate of consumption of alcohol in the country which has resulted in a large amount…
Submission to the Strengthening the Test for Australian Citizenship discussion paper
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to put forward our views on the Strengthening the Test for Australian Citizenship discussion paper, which outlines the Australian Government’s proposal to change the eligibility requirements for Australian citizenship. In our submission we call on the Australian Government to support initiatives to empower vulnerable migrants and strengthen social cohesion,…
Submission to the Humanitarian Programme 2017-18 discussion paper
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to put forward our views on the composition of the 2017-18 Humanitarian Programme, as well as initiatives assisting humanitarian entrants to secure stable employment and achieve self-sufficiency. In our submission we call for a more generous response to the needs of displaced people under an expanded Humanitarian Programme. We…
Submission to the Productivity Commission's study on NDIS costs
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Productivity Commission study into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) costs. The NDIS is designed to provide Australians with a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to live an ordinary life, however in its current form it is not…
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Inquiry into Youth Justice Centres in Victoria. We believe youth justice in Victoria must be delivered according to a clear model, underpinned by a philosophy aligned with what we are trying to achieve – meeting the needs of children and young people, and creating a…