Federal Election 2022: A fair social safety net
Jesuit Social Services’ recently released Federal Election platform, A blueprint for a just recovery, builds on 45 years of advocacy and action, to outline our vision for a just society. In this first in a series of pre-Election blogs, we focus on Australia’s social safety net.
Time for a just transition plan to reach net zero
To keep warming at around 1.5 degrees and avoid catastrophic and irreversible effects on people and planet, Australia should do its fair share: immediately reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reach a reduction of 75% of 2005 levels by the end of this decade, and hit net zero by 2035, according to the Australian Climate Council.
Continuing our advocacy for a more humane immigration system
When families are forced to flee their homeland due to a well-founded fear of persecution, this is not a choice, it is an act of survival. In order to survive, many people fleeing persecution will seek safety for their family regardless of the immense barriers that may lie ahead.
A world where prisons are a last resort
Jesuit Social Services recently released the ‘Prisons, climate and a just transition’ discussion paper, which argues that in a world of worsening climate change, Australia’s reliance on imprisonment is increasingly untenable. John Ryks, Policy and Research Manager who works with Jesuit Social Services’ Centre for Just Places, spoke to us about the thinking behind the…
In brief: Feedback on the Draft National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children
Jesuit Social Services recently gave feedback to the Federal Government’s Draft National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032 (the National Plan). We made a series of recommendations to ensure the National Plan meets its objective of a future free from gender-based violence in Australia. Context The current National Plan ends in mid-2022…
The call for climate adaptation must leave no one behind
The report makes clear that failing to mitigate and adapt to climate change will cost lives. Jesuit Social Services recognises that already disadvantaged and marginalised people are some of the first and worst affected by climate change.