Jesuit Social Services welcomes the final report of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, publicly released today, and congratulates the Victorian Government for its commitment to implement all 227 recommendations.
“Today’s report marks a critical opportunity for government, in partnership with community, to make real and lasting changes in the area of family violence,” says Jesuit Social Services CEO Julie Edwards.
“Based on our experience working with those who experience as well as perpetrate family violence, we know that a proactive and systemic approach to family violence is critical. This approach must be effectively integrated with social services that work with both perpetrators of family violence and those who experience it, to both reduce the impact of family violence and promote safety.”
In its submission to the Royal Commission, Jesuit Social Services explored the gaps and opportunities for better responding to family violence. This includes strengthening effective and culturally appropriate responses to the particular issues faced by women exiting prison, by young people and by asylum seeker communities. The organisation’s submission also contained a recognition that the service system must work in a more integrated and coherent way to prevent violence against women and children, and to keep them safe.
“The most effective way to keep women and children safe is to change broader societal attitudes and structures that excuse or minimise violence against women. This must begin at a young age, so we are pleased that the report recommends mandatory education about respectful relationships for school students.
“We also welcome the recommendation of a funding boost to work with men who are violent to address the risk of future offending, and increased investments to house women and children at risk of family violence,” says Ms Edwards.
“The Victorian Government has already made some valuable funding announcements in the area of family violence, and we look forward to additional dedicated investment to fully implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission.”
Media enquiries – Kathryn Kernohan, 0409 901 248 or