Jesuit Social Services is very concerned about the Victorian Government’s decision to re-gazette the Grevillea Unit at Barwon Prison as a youth detention facility after both the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal have ruled against this. “If we have come to the point where this option is all the Government has to fall…
Statement regarding use of Barwon prison to house young offenders
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the Supreme Court’s decision that the Victorian Government’s housing of young offenders at Barwon Prison is unlawful. We commend the efforts of the Human Rights Law Centre and Fitzroy Legal Service who have valiantly fought for the rights of vulnerable young people since the Government transferred these young people to Barwon…
Offending rate remains steady but prison costs spike by almost $1 billion
Despite the rate of offenders in Australia remaining steady over the past five years, the national imprisonment rate has jumped by an alarming 25 per cent – resulting in a staggering spike in the cost of prisons by almost a billion dollars (to a total of $3.8 billion) during the same period. The analysis is…
Expansion of youth justice bail services welcomed
Jesuit Social Services today welcomed a number of initiatives to strengthen Victoria’s Youth Justice system – such as the expansion of the Central After Hours Bail Placement Services and Youth Justice Bail Supervision – and called on the Andrews government to continue investing in both supervision and support. “We have been advocating for an expansion…
Statement regarding the transfer of young people to Barwon adult prison
Jesuit Social Services resolutely believes that no child should be held in an adult prison facility. We accept the need to find alternative housing for a number of young people while the facilities at Parkville are repaired but the alternative must offer appropriate services and conditions to support and rehabilitate young people. The solution must…
Youth offenders must be treated in a manner consistent with their age
Jesuit Social Services has warned the Government that its move to transfer 40 children and young people to a unit at Barwon Prison could be counter-productive unless strict conditions are followed and the arrangement is brought to an end as soon as possible. The organisation acknowledged that a temporary solution is necessary in the light…
Government must ensure safety for all those on Nauru and Manus Island
Jesuit Social Services today welcomed the news that an end was in sight to the inhumane offshore detention regime that has traumatised many innocent people in Australia’s name. The organisation commended those in the community who fought so hard to bring about change, and said those same people must continue to monitor developments to ensure…
Taskforce 1000 highlights risk of new Stolen Generation
Vulnerable Aboriginal children have been failed by Victoria’s child protection system and only a better understanding of the particular cultural needs of these children and families will improve outcomes, says Jesuit Social Services, following the release of a landmark report by the Commissioner for Children and Young People. The Taskforce 1000 report, tabled this week,…
Vulnerable young people deserve chance to flourish
Jesuit Social Services says an understanding of the particular needs of Aboriginal children and families in the child protection system is vital in improving outcomes, following the release of a report by the Commission for Children and Young People. “We know that Aboriginal children are dramatically over-represented in all areas of the child protection system…
Close offshore processing and Bring Them Here
Jesuit Social Services has called for refugees and people seeking asylum currently on Nauru to be brought to Australia, joining the Australian Catholic Bishops Council, Amnesty International and many other people of goodwill in a growing chorus of support for such a move. Further, Jesuit Social Services has pledged its support as part of a…