Focus on vulnerable people crucial to Victoria’s 10-year mental health plan
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the Victorian Government’s 10-year Mental Health Plan, and in particular its commitment to ensure all Victorians can achieve “good mental health… particularly those who are disadvantaged and vulnerable”. “We agree with the Victorian Government that the state’s current mental health system is struggling to adequately meet the needs of vulnerable Victorians,”…
Commitment needed to fix mental health mess
The redesigning of mental health services in Victoria by the previous state government has proven disastrous for vulnerable people and Jesuit Social Services welcomes the Andrews Government’s commitment to ‘work with service providers to fix the mess and ensure Victorians who most need help can get it’. Central to the recent changes was the introduction…
Federal Budget provides welcome support for some, leaves others behind
The 2021-22 Federal Budget makes some vital investments in mental health and the prevention of family violence, but leaves many vulnerable Australians behind, particularly at a time when the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are still being felt, says Jesuit Social Services. “This Federal Budget is a mixed bag that provides increased funding in key…