Investment in education key to keeping children and young people on track
Jesuit Social Services welcomes the Government’s $44 million expansion of the Navigator education program statewide. This program, which has been operating as a pilot in selected areas, has proven successful in keeping marginalized young people in school. Jesuit Social Services delivers Navigator in the Hume and Moreland regions and in its submission to the 2018/19…
NT can lead the nation in reform for children and families
The Northern Territory Government’s $229.6 million investment into reforming its child protection and youth justice systems gives it an opportunity to lead the nation in evidence-based reform, says Jesuit Social Services. “While the atrocities within the Territory’s child protection and youth justice systems that sparked the Royal Commission will never be forgotten, it is positive…
Record prisoner numbers in the NT require a new response
This week the Northern Territory’s male prison population reached a new high of 1,013 people, proving new solutions are needed to prevent crime from occurring and to ease the strain on the prison system, says Jesuit Social Services. “The Northern Territory’s prisoner numbers have reached an all-time high of 1,833 this week and the system…
Restricting use of Community Correction Orders a dangerous precedent
The Victorian Government’s plan to further restrict the use of Community Correction Orders sets a dangerous precedent, with little evidence it will reduce re-offending, says Jesuit Social Services. “A Community Correction Order is issued with conditions, such as engaging with drug and alcohol services or participating in behaviour change programs, which ultimately support people to…
Youth justice reduction targets would save Victoria millions
Ahead of the Victorian State Budget 2018-19, Jesuit Social Services has called on the State Government to disrupt the pipeline to prison by setting targets to reduce re-offending, lowering the number of young people on remand and investing in diversion programs and community services. “Youth crime will be one of the most scrutinized issues in…
Youth Justice Inquiry Highlights System Failings
The importance of rehabilitating young offenders and understanding the underlying causes of their offending is highlighted in a number of proposals contained in the latest report into Victoria’s youth justice system, endorsing Jesuit Social Services’ view that a therapeutic response is most likely to deliver a safer community. In particular, Jesuit Social Services welcomes the…
Northern Territory has opportunity to lead the nation in youth justice reform
The Northern Territory Government’s acceptance of all 227 recommendations of the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory means the Territory has an opportunity to lead the nation in meaningful youth justice reform, says Jesuit Social Services. “The NT Royal Commission, after consulting with young people, their families, the…
Plans for secure, cottage-style youth justice facilities welcomed
Jesuit Social Services has welcomed the announcement by Minister for Territory Families, Dale Wakefield, of new youth justice facilities in Darwin and Alice Springs. Jesuit Social Services CEO Julie Edwards said she was pleased to see the NT Government acting quickly and decisively to improve facilities found to be unfit by the Royal Commission into the Protection and…
Coalition’s plan to marginalise offenders will increase reoffending risk
A proposed Serious Sex Offender Public Register, which the Victorian Opposition says it will establish if it wins this year’s state election, is likely to increase the risk of people convicted of sexual offences reoffending says Jesuit Social Services. “Law and order will be one of the most prominent topics in the lead-up to the Victorian election and it…
Federal Government must help fund Royal Commission outcomes
Having established a Royal Commission which uncovered the depth of the mistreatment and abuse of young people in the Northern Territory’s youth detention system, the Federal Government must now adequately fund the final report’s recommendations, says Jesuit Social Services. “The landmark final report and recommendations of the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of…