Jesuit Social Services congratulates the Victorian Government on the passing of the Bail Amendment Bill 2015, which will help address the alarming increase in the number of children arrested and held on remand in Victoria.

“Most young offending is episodic, transitory and unlikely to constitute a risk to the safety and welfare of the community,” says Jesuit Social Services CEO Julie Edwards.

“Children need the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, and where appropriate to make amends for behaviour that has harmed others.”

Victoria has developed a particularly strong approach to youth justice that has effectively diverted most children from further contact with the justice system, at the same time as consistently having a youth crime rate that is far lower than the national average.

The Bail amendments will help maintain this positive approach and make a significant difference in the lives of vulnerable young people at risk of coming into the youth justice system.

Jesuit Social Services looks forward to continuing to work with the Government to address the disadvantage that contributes to child and youth offending, and further limit this group’s exposure to the custodial system.

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Media enquiries – Kathryn Kernohan, 0409 901 248 or

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