Federal Budget must protect nation's children, says Jesuit Social Services
Jesuit Social Services has called on the Federal Government to appoint a Minister for Children and invest in evidence-backed intervention to reduce family violence, child sexual abuse, and address failing youth justice systems.
Postvention should be part of the narrative this World Suicide Prevention Day
Today, on World Suicide Prevention Day, Jesuit Social Services’ Support After Suicide program remembers and honours the lives lost to suicide and acknowledges the immense grief and incredible strength of their loved ones left behind.
Watering down of landmark youth justice reform won’t create stronger communities
The Victorian Government’s decision to abandon plans to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 is deeply disappointing and at odds with international evidence and the recommendations of experts dedicated to improving outcomes for communities, reducing crime and supporting children to get their lives on track.
Youth Justice Bill a chance to support children towards more positive futures
With the Victorian Government’s landmark Youth Justice Bill to be debated in Parliament from today, Jesuit Social Services has urged the state’s political leaders to look at the evidence of what works in creating stronger and more cohesive communities and to commit to evidence-based reform that allows all children to flourish.
Youth Justice Bill a mixed bag of reforms, emphasis must be on evidence-based solutions
The Victorian Government’s long-awaited Youth Justice Bill, recently introduced into Parliament, contains a comprehensive suite of reforms. While some of these will support vulnerable children onto more positive pathways, others are not aligned with evidence about how to best respond to people who have contact with the justice system.
Government backflip on bail reform risks entrenching teens in justice system
The Victorian Government’s backflip on promised bail reform and the announced plan to trial electronic monitoring for young people on bail do not support the evidence of what works in reducing re-offending, and will only further entrench marginalised young people in the criminal justice system.
Early intervention critical in addressing drivers of youth crime
New data published by the Crime Statistics Agency, showing that the number of crimes committed in Victoria by children aged 10 to 17 has increased by more than 30 per cent over the past year, is an important reminder that more intensive intervention services are needed to address the drivers of crime says Jesuit Social…
Bail reform a welcome step in the right direction
The Victorian Government’s introduction of laws to reform the state’s bail system is a welcome step towards ensuring the criminal justice system keeps people who pose no risk to the community away from the harms of the prison system and supports them to reset their lives in community.
NT’s raising the age to 12 a positive step, but more progress needed
As the Northern Territory prepares to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 12 years, the Territory Government must now look at the evidence of what works and raise the age to 14, with no exceptions, as soon as possible.