Rosi is an alumnus of our highly successful African Australian Inclusion Program (AAIP) that we run in partnership with NAB. Here’s a snapshot of her experience.

Rosi Matlhabaphiri-Quaremba – participant, African-Australian Inclusion Program with Matt Oster – Head of Enterprise Events, NAB
Rosi Matlhabaphiri-Quaremba
BA in Applied Communications, MA International Affairs
Highly skilled but no opportunities
Rosi Matlhabaphiri-Quaremba’s resume featured a remarkable breadth of experience, including roles with the United Nations Population Fund and as a lecturer in communications.
However after settling in Australia from Botswana, Rosi found significant and “emotionally taxing” challenges to securing corporate employment, unsuccessfully applying for almost 300 roles.
“I applied for the AAIP because I finally found a place to apply where my place of birth did not define my entry and success, and where I finally found an opportunity for my voice to be heard,” she says.
An organisational responsibility
Rosi’s People Leader at NAB is Matt Oster, Head of Enterprise Events. Matt says that the AAIP enriches the lives of all those touched by it – not just its Participants.
“It’s important to remember, and easy to forget, that not everyone is afforded the equal opportunity to participate in meaningful work or secure positions that they’ve held in previous countries and are arguably qualified for,” he says.
“As an organisation of our size, I believe we have a responsibility to help nurture people who may for whatever reason experience exclusion into meaningful employment helping them develop skills and networks to establish themselves within the Australian workforce”.
Under the guidance of Matt and his team, Rosi has flourished in her Enterprise Events role.
“I feel blessed to have this calibre of person to learn from, and to be part of my journey,” she says.
“In an organisation that employs over 35,000 people, it’s easy to get lost, but the AAIP has made it easy for us to be ushered into the company and has presented many opportunities that we would have otherwise not had the chance to access and showcase our skills”.
– Analyst | Team Support | Business Operations | NAB
Global thinking for the global marketplace
Both Rosi and Matt encourage other businesses to develop similar programs to support skilled migrants and people from refugee backgrounds.
“It’s the right thing to do and so incredibly rewarding for both the team member, and those involved in the program from within the team,” says Matt.
“It is important for companies to be thinking globally in an era when businesses are competing in the global marketplace,” she says.
Just as importantly, Rosi has made tremendous personal gains as a result of the program. “I no longer see any boundaries and borders – now I see hope, opportunities, career advancement and security for myself and for my community”.