Next Steps is a flexible, responsive early intervention program that addresses young people’s criminal behaviour and their risk of homelessness after involvement with the justice system.
How does the program help?
Next Steps is an intensive community-based outreach program that addresses participants’ housing and support needs by establishing or building on their existing links with pro-social activities, education and employment, to increase their capacity and chances of obtaining safe, affordable and sustainable housing.
Young people face significant and complex barriers to making a successful transition back to the community after involvement with the justice system. Next Steps provides the intensive case management support young people need to address the underlying drivers of their offending, and the stable foundation to build a new life through strengthened connections with housing, education, and employment opportunities in their community.
How does the program work?
Next Steps offers case management to support young people to develop independent living skills.
A key component of the Next Steps program is the provision of transitional accommodation at Dillon House. The house is a safe and welcoming place that enables young people to:
- develop the necessary skills to live independently in the community
- address their mental and physical health issues
- engage with education, training and employment
- connect with pro-social activities within the community
- manage risk-taking or criminal behaviour
- find suitable long-term housing in the community.
Who can participate?
Next Steps is available to young people of all genders, aged between 16 and 24 years who have had historical and/or current involvement with the criminal justice system and homelessness service system. All residents of the Dillon House supported accommodation program are eligible for Next Steps.
Where is the program offered?
Next Steps is available to young people anywhere in Victoria.
Make a referral
As Next Steps only has capacity to support 17 participants in community, vacancies are advertised when available, and any referral queries are made via email to