StandBy Support After Suicide

Support and referral for people bereaved by suicide

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What is the program?

StandBy is a national service that provides free and practical support to anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide, at any stage in their life. Established in 2002 to meet the need for a coordinated community response to suicide, StandBy is Australia’s leading suicide postvention program. Jesuit Social Services delivers this service in Victoria in North Western, South Eastern, and Eastern Melbourne, and Gippsland.

Given the intensity of being bereaved or impacted by suicide, it can be helpful to speak with someone who has expertise and who understands.

StandBy offers coordinated, evidence-based support and resources for individuals and communities. Support is tailored to each person’s unique circumstance and available for up to two years.

How does the program work?

We provide support for individuals. Our support for individuals includes:

  • someone to talk to
  • assistance to connect to local supports
  • referral pathways
  • follow-up

We provide support for communities. Our support for communities (e.g. families, community groups, schools, workplaces) includes:

  • locally tailored community workshops to increase awareness, develop connections and build a community’s capacity to support people impacted by suicide.
  • development of postvention planning and coordinated responses with workplaces and communities
  • presence at events and functions where people who are bereaved by suicide may require support.

For more information about StandBy Support After Suicide

Visit the StandyBy website.

Who can participate in the program?

The StandBy program is focused on supporting anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any stage in their life, including:

  • individuals
  • families
  • friends
  • witnesses
  • first responders
  • service providers

Where is this program offered?

Jesuit Social Services delivers services in Victoria in North Western, South Eastern, Eastern Melbourne, and Gippsland, however the program is also available nationwide and delivered by other organisations throughout Australia. Support is free and can be arranged and a time and place that suits each person.

The program available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing free face-to face and/or telephone support at a time and place that is best for each person.

How to access this program

To access support please call 1300 727 247.

To enquire about workshops, community postvention planning or event support contact the site coordinator on the regional email address below:

North Western Melbourne/South Eastern Melbourne:

Eastern Melbourne/Gippsland:

For urgent or emergency assistance


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