Youth issues
Our research on young people covers diverse themes, including the remand of children, educational disadvantage, how the arts can reengage highly marginalised youth, how Catholic schools can best respond to the needs of same sex attracted students and to students’ illicit drug use.
Youth issues
A Just System? How Punitive Youth Justice Systems Increase the Risk of Crime
For children and young people who offend, contact with the justice system can lead to life-long offending, with evidence showing that the younger a child enters the justice system the more likely he/she is to have sustained contact and go on to reoffend (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), 2017). Local and international youth justice approaches that aim to rehabilitate or resocialise the child or young person often have more success in preventing reoffending (Elwick, Davis, Crehan, & Clay, 2013). So, what is it that makes an effective youth justice system, and how can we ensure that children and young people are diverted from the criminal justice system effectively and that those who offend do not continue into a life of crime?
Youth issues
Thinking Outside: Alternatives to remand for children
Thinking Outside reveals how vulnerable and disadvantaged Victorian children are being unnecessarily remanded. The research calls for reforms to halt this alarming practice including raising the age of criminal responsibility to 12.
Youth issues
I Just Want to Go to School
I Just Want to go to School captures voices of young people experiencing educational disadvantage in Australia. It outlines the key factors inhibiting educational engagement as expressed by the young people themselves and identifies key areas for policy change.
Youth issues
Young People in Remand in Victoria
Young People in Remand in Victoria analyses current Australian and international trends in evidence-based prison policy, including remand and its place in the criminal justice system.
Youth issues
Not So Straight
Not So Straight is a national study that examines how Catholic schools can best respond to the needs of same-sex attracted students.
Youth issues
Keeping Them Connected
Keeping Them Connected addresses the difficult and complex issue of how Australian Catholic secondary schools can best respond to incidents of illicit drug use by students.
Youth issues
Engaging Art
Engaging Art examines the role of the arts as a framework for socially reengaging highly marginalised young people.