Jesuit Social Services welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Victorian Government’s proposed Minimum Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses, or the Residential Tenancies and Residential Tenancies (Rooming House Standards) Amendment (Minimum Energy Efficiency and Safety Standards) Regulations 2024.

Jesuit Social Services supports the introduction of the Regulations proposed by the Victorian Government. We believe the Regulations can simultaneously reduce cost of living pressures, minimise the disproportionate burden of climate change on vulnerable groups, and improve the health, safety and wellbeing of Victorians.

In order to strengthen the proposed Regulations, we recommend that:

  1. The obligation triggers should be brought forward and additional incentives applied, encouraging implementation of the minimum standards as quickly as possible.
  2. Monitoring and enforcement of the Regulations must ensure accountability on landlords and proprietors for implementation of the minimum standards, so responsibility does not fall on renters, risking further rental stress. Enforcement must also ensure landlords and proprietors are informed of their obligations and the consequences of inaction.
  3. Renters must be protected from potential rent increases or evictions by landlords and proprietors following the introduction of the Regulations. Protection for renters should be specified within the Regulations, and caps to rent increases should be introduced.

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