Jesuit Social Services welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the development of Victoria’s next Suicide Prevention and Response Strategy. We note the importance of this consultation, given that suicide continues to impact many individuals, families and communities in Victoria.

In this submission, Jesuit Social Services Services advocates for a well-functioning mental health system that meets and addresses the needs of those at risk of ending their lives and supports families in helping them reduce the risk of suicide.

Summary of our recommendations:

  • Promote place-based prevention and early intervention initiatives across a broad range of areas, including child and family wellbeing, mental health, housing, family violence, and education, training and employment.
  • Enhance the capacity of Victoria’s mental health system by embedding trauma-informed and coordinated service delivery; fostering partnerships between clinical service providers and community service organisations; building the capacity of the workforce; and ensuring equal access to support in regional and rural areas.
  • Provide secure, long-term funding for specialist dual diagnosis services for people with co-occuring substance use and mental health issues and fund state-wide post-suicide services such as Support After Suicide for people bereaved by suicide.

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Support After Suicide helped Emma navigate the loss of her partner. Help us continue this vital work.