Federal Pre-budget Submission 2025-26
This submission, provided in advance of the 2025- 26 Federal Budget, highlights opportunities for Government to target spending and policy-making, prioritising research, strategies and programs that support children, young people and their families to live safe and healthy lives.
Priority investments for the 2024/25 Victorian State Budget
While we continue to advocate for a comprehensive set of changes to policies, practices, services and infrastructure, we have identified a priority list of investments we believe are critical and achievable to deliver real change for Victorians currently facing disadvantage. These investments will serve all those across the state by contributing to safe and thriving…
Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2024-25
Jesuit Social Services calls on the Federal government to devote resources towards reducing inequity and exclusion, and ensuring people on the margins are given every opportunity to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. The upcoming budget must provide meaningful cost of living relief, especially for people on the lowest incomes, and must provide adequate and secure…
Submission to the Draft Online Safety Standards consultation
In general, we support the proposed Standards and commend the eSafety Commissioner for proposing them. We believe that the right to protection from exploitation, violence and abuse, and the rights and best interests of children, are paramount.
Jesuit Social Services was pleased to contribute a submission in response to the Department of Social Services’ Issues Paper on the Federal Government’s election commitment for “a stronger, more diverse and independent community sector”. Our submission argues reform is needed to change the way Government works with and funds community services organisations.
Submission to the Inquiry into Australia's Human Rights Framework
Jesuit Social Services made submission to the Federal Government’s National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality in early 2023, advocating for a strategy that recognises and addresses harmful gender norms for people of all genders.
Justice Reinvestment Design Submission
Read our submission to the Justice Reinvestment Design Project.
Submission to the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Philanthropy
Jesuit Social Services was pleased to contribute a submission to the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Philanthropy – an opportunity to analyse motivations for and grow philanthropic giving in Australia, in line with the Federal Government's goal to double philanthropic giving by 2030.
Victorian Pre-Budget 2023-24 Submission
Read our submission to the Victorian Government ahead of its 2023-24 Budget.