Young people are worth a second chance.
The age of criminal responsibility has been much debated recently. Victoria has committed to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 12 this year, and to 14 in 2027. The Northern Territory has raised it to 12, and the ACT is in the process of doing so. Other states are planning, considering, or…
Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week
Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week must be a time of sober commitment by all Australians to the unfinished task of Reconciliation, reflects Andy Hamilton SJ.
Climate emergency and prisons don’t mix
On a 38-degree December day in the middle of the desert, 15 people incarcerated at Alice Springs Correctional Centre used t-shirts and pedestal fans to rip a hole in a ceiling, in a desperate attempt to escape the stifling heat of their overcrowded cells. The incident reignited calls to air-condition the prison – one recommendation…
16th anniversary of the Apology to Indigenous Australians
Sixteen years on from Kevin Rudd's historic apology to Australia's Indigenous peoples, Andy Hamilton SJ argues words can't by unsaid, but can be disregarded – reminding us of the importance of respect and restoration.
Modelling Respect and Equality evaluation finds pilot program promotes change
Participants in our healthy masculinity workshops in schools are gaining new knowledge, skills and adopting these into their everyday lives in and outside of the school, according to Deloitte Access Economics’ recent evaluation of our Modelling Respect and Equality schools pilot program. We know that in recent times the attitudes and behaviours of adolescent boys…
ANDY HAMILTON SJ reflects on a discordant Australia Day anniversary and articulates the need for truth and recognition. This year Australia Day follows closely after the recent defeat of the Referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. That defeat adds yet another discordant string to an already controversial history of the day and underlines the…