As Father Brosnan once said, “Three things that I have noted are needed by someone leaving prison are: a place to live that is decent, a job they can handle, and friendship.”

Our ReConnect program echoes this wisdom by providing the comprehensive support that enables participants to flourish. It provides up to nine months assistance to men and gender-diverse people as they leave prison in Victoria.

ReConnect helps participants to overcome some of the barriers they can face reintegrating into the community after leaving prison.

Barriers can include finding and maintaining employment, accessing housing, and maintaining physical and mental health. These all affect a person’s ability to create a new identity outside of a prison and to overcome the circumstances which led to their offending.

Program Coordinator Sam Noonan says that providing participants with the support and resources they need to establish a positive routine and connections in the community are critical to their successful reintegration. This was shown in the story of former participant Chris*.

In Chris’ case, securing employment and safe and secure independent accommodation were crucial in his reintegration, which led to successes in other areas of his life.

“Chris was supported to step into employment shortly after release, which he felt great pride in. He said that going to work every day was able to help him establish a new identity outside of prison,” Sam says.

“His employer has been impressed by his work effort and drive. Chris has told us that he has found his passion and developed a newfound confidence since starting work.”

“Having people who believed in him and could help him onto positive pathways was the turning point for Chris. He’s been employed for over a year now, with his role focused on helping others released from custody. This opportunity to ‘give back’ has increased his self-worth and acceptance, which was crucial in making positive changes. He is thriving!”

Sam Noonan

Program Coordinator

During his time with ReConnect, Chris developed a strong relationship with his outreach case manager, who helped him achieve a healthy work life balance, including connecting him to supports to address his substance use and mental health challenges.

“Chris was also supported to move into stable housing, which has had a huge impact on his wellbeing and enabled him to really flourish at work. The program also helped him to set up his utilities and secure furnishings to make his home environment a positive one,” Sam says.

*Chris’ name has been changed for his privacy.

Jesuit Social Services 2025 Annual Dinner

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