During her visit with us, Baz met with some of our leaders and staff from our justice and advocacy programs.
She also spent time chatting over morning tea with staff at the Ignatius Learning Centre, our Catholic Specialist Secondary School for boys who are involved with the youth justice system.
“The Principal, John, the teachers and the staff are truly dedicated to this work,” Baz said.
“The idea of taking justice-involved young people and putting them in a context that is not anything like a prison, but a school that’s offering opportunities, is super unique and valuable.”
Baz found within Jesuit Social Services a collaborative spirit, and a willingness to be flexible to meeting new needs and opportunities.
“While Jesuit Social Services has been around longer than a lot of other organisations, you are still open, and you want to bring everyone to the table,” she said.
Baz told us that she considers the scope and legacy of Jesuit Social Services’ justice programs and advocacy work to be unique and incredibly valuable.