At the end of each Mass, parishioners were encouraged to donate financially or to take home a bag with a list of in-demand food items. The returned, filled bags are taken to the Ignite Food Store at Emerton, which provides low cost, healthy, fresh food for Western Sydney families in need.
A group of thoughtful, kind and compassionate parishioners give their time and talent to support Jesuit Social Services work in Western Sydney. They do so in a range of ways, including through the annual appeal, and by donating food to the store, and blankets, doonas and warm jackets to the Op Shop during winter.
“Fr Richard, Fr Andy, Fr Sacha and Fr Joe, together with the parishioners of Our Lady of the Way North Sydney, have been generous and supportive of the communities we accompany and serve through our programs in Mt Druitt,” Claire says.
“Over several years, throughout the pandemic, they were in regular contact, asking the team what our community members need at the Food Store, the Op Shop, and at Willmot Community Hub.”
The parish has also assisted with repairs to the Ignite Food Store roof, a new freezer for the Store, and supporting the Aboriginal Art Therapy Program at the Willmot Community Hub.
“Thanks to their support, we can keep our doors open to the local community.”