Government must ensure safety for all those on Nauru and Manus Island
Jesuit Social Services today welcomed the news that an end was in sight to the inhumane offshore detention regime that has traumatised many innocent people in Australia’s name. The organisation commended those in the community who fought so hard to bring about change, and said those same people must continue to monitor developments to ensure…
Taskforce 1000 highlights risk of new Stolen Generation
Vulnerable Aboriginal children have been failed by Victoria’s child protection system and only a better understanding of the particular cultural needs of these children and families will improve outcomes, says Jesuit Social Services, following the release of a landmark report by the Commissioner for Children and Young People. The Taskforce 1000 report, tabled this week,…
Vulnerable young people deserve chance to flourish
Jesuit Social Services says an understanding of the particular needs of Aboriginal children and families in the child protection system is vital in improving outcomes, following the release of a report by the Commission for Children and Young People. “We know that Aboriginal children are dramatically over-represented in all areas of the child protection system…
Close offshore processing and Bring Them Here
Jesuit Social Services has called for refugees and people seeking asylum currently on Nauru to be brought to Australia, joining the Australian Catholic Bishops Council, Amnesty International and many other people of goodwill in a growing chorus of support for such a move. Further, Jesuit Social Services has pledged its support as part of a…
Archbishop Hart has shown true leadership
Archbishop Denis Hart has shown true leadership in calling on the Australian Government to bring the men, women and children on Manus Island and Nauru to Australia, says Jesuit Social Services. “Many people in the Catholic Church have denounced the country’s offshore detention regime and punitive policies towards people seeking asylum, and Archbishop Hart has…
Rising suicide rates show prevention remains a crucial part of mental health service mix
New data published this week showing suicide in Australia has reached a decade-high rate is an important reminder that suicide prevention is one of the most crucial elements of our response to mental health, says Jesuit Social Services. The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ annual Causes of Death report reveals that the suicide rate in 2015…
Child Protection Week shines spotlight on link between trauma and criminal activity
Evidence of clear links between involvement with the Child Protection system and involvement with the criminal justice system highlights the need for greater support to prevent vulnerable young people from a lifetime of cycling in and out of prison, says Jesuit Social Services. To mark National Child Protection Week, Jesuit Social Services has completed a…
Prison is no place for primary school aged children
Queensland leads the country in locking up 10- and 11-year old children, but the incarceration of primary school aged children is a national shame that must cease immediately by raising the age of criminal responsibility to 12, says Jesuit Social Services. “A new report by Amnesty International Australia has highlighted a number of serious concerns…
New legislation will not create safer communities
Legislation introduced this week by the Victorian Government to create new offences, penalties and minimum sentences for carjacking and home invasions fails to create safer communities, says Jesuit Social Services. “The introduction of new offences is not supported by crime statistics which actually show the crime rate is falling in Victoria,” says Jesuit Social Services…
Indigenous incarceration rates require urgent rethink
Jesuit Social Services has urged the Federal Government to commit to justice targets to reduce the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the criminal justice system, in light of a new report that outlines that the country’s Indigenous incarceration rate has risen by 52 per cent over the past decade. The report,…