With a month remaining before polls open, Jesuit Social Services has released its priorities for youth justice and climate justice ahead of the Northern Territory election. A detailed election platform released this week outlines four priorities and 12 recommendations to create a fairer, more equal and sustainable future for all Territorians.
New extreme heat research shows disadvantaged communities experience climate impacts the worst
New research by ACOSS into the impact of extreme heat is an important addition to the growing body of evidence demonstrating the disproportionate effect extreme climate conditions have on people experiencing disadvantage, we said in our media release.
Action to address climate change and health must include a focus on place-based approaches
With COP28 expected to raise the profile of the relationship between climate change and health, our leaders must ensure a commitment to the integration of health equity and social justice into climate change policy and finance, through strong supports for community-led approaches.
No referendum result a sombre outcome for all
Jesuit Social Services says the No result of yesterday’s Voice to Parliament referendum is a disappointing outcome that hinders progress towards self-determination and reconciliation, and urges continued solidarity with First Nations communities.
New report highlights just how deep Australia’s wealth divide goes
The latest report from ACOSS and the UNSW's Poverty and Inequality Partnership - of which Jesuit Social Services is a member – finds that the gap between those with the most and those with the least in Australia has blown out over the past two decades, highlighting the role of income support payments, housing, taxation…
Jesuit Social Services is delighted to announce that our own Centre for Just Places, in partnership with Eastern Community Legal Centre (ECLC), ARC Justice and the Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria (FCLC), has been awarded $1.8 million in funding to facilitate a collaborative action planning process to reduce disaster and climate vulnerability and strengthen…
Australia must build climate resilient communities as an issue of justice
The latest report by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which synthesises the findings of recent reports, is an urgent reminder that Australia must take strong action to address climate change vulnerability and build climate resilient communities as an issue of justice, alongside mitigation measures, says Jesuit Social Services.
Federal Election result shows Australians want action to reduce inequality
Jesuit Social Services congratulates the incoming Albanese Government on its Federal Election victory, and says the result is a recognition that Australians want to see action on key issues including climate change and reducing poverty and inequality.
Zero emissions transition plan must prioritise affected communities
The latest report by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which assesses methods for reducing greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change, is a reminder that people experiencing disadvantage and communities with livelihoods dependent on emissions-intensive industries must be a focus in the urgent transition to a clean economy, says Jesuit Social Services.…
Emphasis on place-based responses an effective way to prevent crime
The implementation of a range of recommendations to prevent crime through targeted work in disadvantaged communities, as highlighted in the final report of the Inquiry into Victoria’s Criminal Justice System, will ultimately support a more cohesive Victoria with less crime and fewer victims, says Jesuit Social Services.